miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007

Birds of Perú

This is the first guide ever published on the word's most important birding country, and fills a huge gap in our knowledge of South American ornithology. Peru harbors almost 1800 species of birds, including 118 endemics, in every habitat ranging from coast and deserts to 23,000 foot snow-capped Andean peaks, intermontane valleys, lush cloud forests and tropical rainforests.

Don Quixote /Cervantes

Complet and unabridget, in the memorable Walter Starkie translation this is the epic tale of Don Quixote of La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza.

The adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll / Alvaro Mutis

Maqroll the Gaviero in one the most alluring and memorable characters in the fiction of the last twenty-five years. His extravagant and hopeless undertakings, his brushes with the law and scrapes with deat, and his enduring friedships and unlooked-for love affais make him a Don Quixote for our day, driven from one place to another by a restless and irregular quest for the absolute

The Golden Serpent

Unpredictably swift and menacing unfathhomable in its nature, the "golden Serpent" inspires reverence and terror in the tiny scattered communities that border its banks - villages of peons pitched between pagan recklessness and Christian despair. Hardy agrarians, these people are prone to supernatural fears that arise from total dependence upon a river that bestows great gifts and, at times, destroys all that it has given....

On the Road

A Brilliant blend of fiction and autobiography, Jack Kerouac's exhilarating novel defined the new "bet" generation. It had tremendous impact on both sides of the atlantic and made him famous overnight

The Peru Reader: History, Culture, Politics

"One of the best overviews yet of Peruvian history and politics"

- The Rough Guide to Perú

"This is an extremely deep, broad, and insighful collection on Perú"

- Jorge Castañeda

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

Mitos y Leyendas del Perú

El hombre andino amó particularmente el arte de contar. El origen del mundo, la guerra entre los dioses Kon y Pachacamac, la creación del hombre por Wiracocha, o la apararición de los personajes legendarios como Manco Capac; son ejemplos populares y poéticos que anuncia la verdadera historia de los Andes.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007

Open Veins of Latin America / Las Venas Abiertas de America Latina

A superbly written, excellently tranlated, and powerfully persuasive expose which all students of Latin American and U.S. history must read." - Choice, American Library Association

Shining Path of Peru / Sendero Luminoso de Perú

The Shinning Path (Sendero Luminoso) guerrilla movement emerged in Peru in the 1980s as the most radical and dogmatic expression of Marxist revolution in the Western hemisphere. Led by a former philosophy professor at the University of Huamanga in Ayacucho, it developed its militantly orthodox Maoist principles from the mid-1960s onward with a small band of committed supporters, virtually ignored by the outside world

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

El principito (edition in Quechua)

El principito es una los libros mas maravillosos de la literatura universal, sus ediciones son numerosas como sus traducciones, la presente es una edición en el idioma de los andes
Titulo: Kamachikuq Inkacha
Autor: Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Edición: Andean World
Año: 2006

Yawar Fiesta (ingles) / Jose Maria Arguedas / Texas Press

"...a work of extraordinary beauty and complexity, more poem than story, passionate in its insights and written in a style that comes very close to the quality which Arguedas most valued in Quechua, of being charged with the natural language of things." - The Guardian

Peruvian Myths and Legends

Some historical, archaelogical and ethnographic research reveal, that in Inca time, the Andean man was obsessed with tradition. He was attached to the acquired forms and filled with a fear of change. He longed to preserve the past and this longing was expressed in his customs and habiths that later developed into institutions and practices through which he remembered his history. The Andean way of life was a constant reminder of the past. This is evident in the Pacarina Cult: The worshipping of places in nature, where the firs ancestor of each clan, were said to have appeared. Also in the Malquis Cult: A mummy was treated as a live human being

The Incas / Garcilaso inca de la Vega

The birth and death of greatest and most powerful empire of pre-columbian America is of mayor interest and importance. This dramatic narrative by one of the last Inca princes traces the legends surrounding the rise of his people, their wars, sexual customs, and religion. It ends with the arrival of Pizarro and Spanish, the capture, imprisonment, and execution of Athaualpa, the last Inca, and the beginning of the spanish hegemony
"A classic of South American literature...This is its first appearance in a complete and accurate form. It is a joy to read..." - The New Yorker